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Gimai Seikatsu Wiki

The second volume of the Gimai Seikatsu light novel series.


The siblings' feelings, unfamiliar emotions, the blissful days continuing with them slowly getting used to each other.

As a result of his father's remarriage, high school student Asamura Yuuta ends up living together as brother and sister with the number one beauty of the school year, Ayase Saki. Despite them clearly not used to spending time together with same-age members of the opposite sex, their distance to each other slowly shrinks, as they realise how similar in personality they actually are. However, as the regular exams roll around, a change in Saki's behaviour becomes apparent. Worried about Saki, who is dealing with certain subjects she's bad at, Yuuta decides to become her support. Creating a beneficial learning environment for her, or searching for music that allows her to focus better, Yuuta concentrates on offering as many ideas as possible.

At around the same time, Yuuta is invited out on a date by his charming senior at work, the girls university student Yomiuri Shiori. What is this mysterious 'emotion' that starts to rise in Saki's heart as she hears of this?

兄妹の想い。知らない感情。 不器用に寄り添う二人の幸福な日々。

高校生の浅村悠太は親の再婚を機に、学年で一番の美少女・綾瀬沙季と一つ屋根の下で兄妹として暮らすことになった。 同年代の異性との生活に慣れないながらも、どこか似たもの同士だった二人の距離感はお互いに程良く保たれていた。 だが、定期テストをきっかけに沙季の様子に異変が生じる。 苦手教科に悩む沙季を心配し、その支えになろうと考えた悠太は、彼女の勉強環境を整えたり、集中できる音楽を探したり、さまざまな工夫を凝らしていく。 しかしそれと時を同じくして、悠太はバイト先の先輩である美人女子大生・読売栞からデートに誘われる。


List of Chapters[]

  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1: 16th of July (Thursday)
  • Chapter 2: 17th of July (Friday)
  • Chapter 3: 18th of July (Saturday)
  • Chapter 4: 19th of July (Sunday)
  • Chapter 5: 20th of July (Monday)
  • Chapter 6: 21st of July (Tuesday)
  • Chapter 7: 22nd of July (Wednesday)
  • Epilogue: Ayase Saki’s Diary



Volume PV[]

Volume 2 PV

Volume 2 ASMR PV

